Human Resources

Infodrom Yazılım has adopted investing in people as one of its basic principles. Behind its success lies a quality and trained workforce. Our company believes that quality products and services can be produced by qualified and happy employees, and attaches importance to the development and training of its employees.

You can apply for a job to join our team by filling out the form below. Your application information will be stored as required within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data/LPPD and you will receive a positive/negative feedback as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest and trust in our company.

Please click here to access vacant positions and active job announcements.

System Integrator and Business Partner - Software - ERP Software

As Infodrom Yazılım, we are happy and proud to be on the list of Bilişim 500 IT companies in 2023 as we were in 2021/2022.

Moreover, in 2023, we qualified to rank 12th in the “System Integrator and Business Partner – Software – ERP Software” category, rising 2 steps compared to the previous year. 12.

In addition, we ranked 8th in the “System Integrator and Business Partner – Software – E-Invoice E-Ledger E-Archive” category and 73rd in the “System Integrator and Business Partner – Software” category, we took the 158th place in the overall rankings. 

Years of Logo Yazılım experience in the ERP sector and our GOSB Teknopark adventure, which we started in 2020, have a great impact on this success.

In the light of our #togethertothedigitalfuture motto, we will continue to produce digital solutions, contribute to the e-transformation processes of companies, produce and develop domestic software and integration products with our qualified, experienced, dynamic and young staff.

Thanks to everyone who contributed.